"The Planning and Development Committee is responsible for educating its Members and RHA general Membership on pertinent City planning and real estate development issues, policies, and events. The PDC Chairperson (or designee of the Chairperson) may represent Reservoir Hill Association at functions and hearings.

Any position voiced on behalf of Reservoir Hill Association shall be based on a vote of RHA Members or Committee as determined by the Committee and Board of Directors Members based on the impact of the issue’s decision. In cases of urgency in which a general membership vote is not possible, the Chairperson may represent Reservoir Hill Association." from the Reservoir Hill Association Bylaws

For more information, contact the Planning and Development Chair: pdc@reservoirhillassociation.org

For information about the B&P Tunnel Working Group, a subcommittee of the Planning and Development Committee, go here.

Reservoir Hill 311 Database

Notice a bus stop location is without a trash receptical? Witness illegal dumping? Are you hoping to get a swing repaired? There are three ways to report an issue to 311: 

When you do, please share your Service Request Number (SR#)  to our 311 Database. This will allow us to track how quickly issues are being resolved in our community and have a sense of repeat issues for our neighbors.

Even when a 311 request is "closed" by the city, there is a permanent record of the issue. If you would like follow up to an issue or you have reported something that requires urgent attention, please email pdc@reservoirhillassociation.org

Letter of Support Request Process

Are you a developer seeing a letter of support from the Reservoir Hill Association? Click below to learn about our standard process for writing a letter of support for development projects.

Planning and Development Committee Project Tracker

Have you requested a letter of support and seeking a status update? Curious about the status of an ongoing development project? Please use the PDC Tracker to see the status of your request or project.